Site Specific Setup¶
For a site specific setup, refer to the following examples.
Have all your scan scripts import a site specific top level python module that does the following:
Import the scan modules that you intent to use
Import the SettingsBasedLoop, ..Set, ..Wait commands such that they replace the basic ones.
Install an instance of
that is aware of your local devices.Define meta-commands for accessing complex devices by combining basic commands into
commands.Provide a customized
that is aware of your scan server host.Offers shortcuts to for example the table scan with pre/post commands required at your site.
"""Example for beamline specific setup
All scripts that access the scan server should start with
'from beamline_setup import *'
# Get all scan commands
from scan import *
# Replace basic Loop/Set/Wait commands with wrappers that use scan settings
from scan.util import SettingsBasedLoop as Loop
from scan.util import SettingsBasedSet as Set
from scan.util import SettingsBasedWait as Wait
# Implement ScanSettings for this beamline
class BeamlineScanSettings(ScanSettings):
def __init__(self):
super(BeamlineScanSettings, self).__init__()
# Define settings based on PV name patterns (regular expressions).
# Order matters! List patterns first, specific PVs last.
# In general, motors should use completion, and check a readback
self.defineDeviceClass("motor_.", completion=True, readback=True)
# The specific motors in the simulation.db, however, don't support completion
self.defineDeviceClass("motor_x", completion=False, readback=False)
self.defineDeviceClass("motor_y", completion=False, readback=False)
self.defineDeviceClass("shutter", readback=True)
# The simulated "setpoint" uses a different "readback" PV as its readback.
# readback=False skips readback check
# readback=True calls getReadbackName(pv) which typically returns the PV itself
# readback='whatever' uses provided PV
self.defineDeviceClass("setpoint", completion=False, readback="readback", tolerance=0.1, timeout=20)
# When waiting for proton charge or neutron counts, use "increase by"
self.defineDeviceClass("pcharge", comparison="increase by")
self.defineDeviceClass("neutrons", comparison="increase by")
# Each site may add more to its site-specific configuration.
# The example/opi for alignment uses these to populate drop-downs
self.settable = [ "motor_x", "motor_y" ]
self.waitable = [ "seconds", "time", "pcharge" ]
self.loggable = [ "signal" ]
def getReadbackName(self, device_name):
# Anything that looks like a motor very likely has a .RBV.
# But that does not apply to the simulated motor_x, motor_y
if device_name in ( 'motor_x', 'motor_y' ):
return device_name
if "motor" in device_name:
return device_name + ".RBV"
# Install beam line specific scan settings
scan_settings = BeamlineScanSettings()
# 'Meta Commands'
def Pre():
return Set('shutter', 1)
def Post():
return Set('shutter', 0)
def Start():
"""Start data acquisition"""
return Sequence( Set('loc://daq_reset(0)', 1),
Set('loc://daq(0)', 1)
def Stop():
"""Stop data acquisition"""
return Set('loc://daq(0)', 0)
def TakeData(counter, limit):
return Sequence(Start(), Wait(counter, limit), Stop())
def SetChopper(wavelength, phase):
return Sequence(Set('loc://chopper:run(0)', 0),
Set('loc://chopper:wlen(0)', wavelength),
Set('loc://chopper:phs(0)', phase),
Set('loc://chopper:run(0)', 1)
def table_scan(headers, rows):
"""Create table scan with pre/post/start/stop for this beam line"""
table = TableScan(headers, rows,
return table.createScan()
# Shortcut
ndim = createNDimScan
# Create a scan client, using the host name that executes the scan server
scan_client = ScanClient('localhost')
# As a convenience, `python` prints settings
if __name__ == '__main__':
from scan.util.scan_settings import getScanSettings
print("Beam Line scan settings")
for setting in getScanSettings().device_settings:
print("Scan Client")
Usage Examples¶
from beamline_setup import *
# N-Dim scan with motors
# At each point, wait for pcharge which rises at about 1e9 per second
# Then log how many neutrons we got
cmds = ndim(('motor_x', 1, 3), ('motor_y', 1, 3),
TakeData('pcharge', 3*1e9),
# Note how the defaults apply a readback to motors,
# how TakeData is expanded into basic commands etc.
# The scan_client is already configured with the correct IP address
id = scan_client.submit(cmds)
from beamline_setup import *
# Table
cmds = table_scan(
[ 'motor_x', 'motor_y', 'Wait For', 'Value'],
[ 1, [ 2, 4, 6], 'pcharge', 3*1e9 ],
[ 3, 8, 'pcharge', 3*1e9 ],
id = scan_client.submit(cmds)
# Dump motor positions
data = scan_client.getData(id)
table = createTable(data, 'motor_x', 'motor_y')
for (x, y) in zip(*table):
print("%d, %d" % (x, y))
from beamline_setup import *
# Custom scan
cmds = CommandSequence()
cmds.append(Set('xpos', 1))
cmds.append(Set('ypos', 1, completion=False))
cmds.append(Set('setpoint', 8))
cmds.append(SetChopper(1.7, 45.0))
cmds.append(TakeData('pcharge', 5e9))
cmds.append(Set('setpoint', 1))
result = scan_client.simulate(cmds)
id = scan_client.submit(cmds)
print("Submitted scan #%d" % id)