EPICS Collaboration Meeting, September 19-23, 2022, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Introduction to the Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS) PV Access network protocol during a workshop at the EPICS meeting.


We use a Virtual Machine (VM) that contains a small but complete control system setup. The VM can be used on Windows, Mac OS or Linux. The setup is conceptually simple:

  1. Download VirtualBox from https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads
    (Note: VirtualBox seems to only support Mac OS on Intel, not M1/M2/Apple Silicon at this time)
  2. Download the EPICSMeeting2022.ova VM image - large file, around 7GB. (md5sum f77ca547cd3c04862c2b5f41c6e18f46)
  3. Start VirtualBox
  4. Import the VM image that you just downloaded

In practice, security measures on your computer might complicate the initial start of VirtualBox. For more detailed instructions, check the 2022 USPAS web site. Just remember to use the "EPICSMeeting2022.ova" and not the older "Training.ova" mentioned there.


1 PV Access EPICS (PDF) (PPT)
2 PV Access Java (PDF) (PPT)

3 PVA Gateway (PDF) (PPT)
