This package allows python or jython code to access the scan server. You can assemble new scans, submit them, monitor their progress.
For a general overview of the scan system see “CSS Scan System”, Proceedings of ICALEPCS2013, San Francisco, CA, USA ( https://accelconf.web.cern.ch/ICALEPCS2013/papers/frcoaab01.pdf or http://epaper.kek.jp/ICALEPCS2013/papers/frcoaab01.pdf )
Use Case: CS-Studio Displays¶
For routine execution of the same scan where just a few parameters change, you can create a CS-Studio display for those parameters. On the display, local or real PVs then allow users to for example configure the start, end, and step size of a motor move. A “Submit” button then invokes a jython script which assembles a scan that moves a motor based on the values in those parameter PVs.
Use Case: Table-Based Scans¶
Scans that need to set devices like motors, temperature controllers etc. to a list of desired positions, then maybe start data acquisition at each point, wait for some condition, then move to the next point can often be expressed in a concise table notation.
Use Case: Custom Python Scripts¶
Finally, custom Python scripts can assemble a set of commands, see scan client and scan commands.